Amazon Conversion Optimization

Maximizing the sales potential of your products on Amazon demands a strategic and detail-oriented approach to Amazon Search Rank Optimization. At Accelerazon, we excel in the two critical elements of Amazon Marketing that are fundamental to driving sales: Conversion Optimization and Amazon SEO Services.

Why does Amazon Conversion Optimization Matter?

Amazon Conversion Optimization is essential for maximizing sales and enhancing your products’ visibility on the world’s largest e-commerce platform. Not only does it directly impact your sales by turning more visitors into customers, but it also plays a significant role in improving your Amazon search rank.

Conversion rate and historical sales are key factors in Amazon’s search algorithm, influencing where your products appear in search results. By fine-tuning various elements of your product listings and optimizing the customer journey, you can increase your conversion rates, drive more sales, and ultimately improve your search rank.

What does Conversion Optimization have to do with Search Rank?

In addition to evaluating the Amazon SEO of each product, the Amazon A10 Algorithm also heavily weighs the explicit and implicit customer feedback they receive on products including:

graphic enforcing the importance of Amazon conversion optimization services provided by Accelerazon

Product Reviews

Product reviews can affect your search rank placement in two ways. Products that are well reviewed are more likely to rank well on search results pages on Amazon, as good product reviews indicate to Amazon products that are meeting customer needs. Product reviews can also affect search rank placement through customer conversion rates. Lots of positive reviews on a product page can be a convincing factor for potential customers to complete their purchase.

Sales Velocity

Sales velocity is the rate of total sales for a product page. This includes all variations on the product detail page. Amazon’s number one goal is to sell items to its customers. Products with a high historical sales velocity have a proven track record of converting users into customers and will receive preferential treatment in Amazon’s search rank.

Conversion Rate

The conversion rate is the percentage of users who visit a detail page that ultimately purchase the product. Amazon measures this in two ways. Traditional conversion rate is calculated as the number of customers completing a purchase divided by the number of users who view the page. More importantly to Amazon, Amazon also measures the unit conversion rate (unit session percentage), calculated as the number of units ordered divided by the number of user sessions on a product page. Product pages with high conversion and unit conversion rates will be displayed higher in the search results page.

Seller Authority

Amazon wants to ensure positive customer experiences, so sellers with a proven track record can help their products rank better. There are many factors that go into a good track record, including historical sales volume, seller feedback and reviews, and account health metrics.

7 Ways to Maximizing Your Ranking Through Amazon Conversion Optimization

Utilize Parent/Variation Relationships

Because Amazon calculates the Sales Velocity and displays Product Reviews at the Parent level, aggregating product variants onto a single Parent product detail page (or Parent ASIN) can greatly improve the search rank for a product.

Additionally, displaying all variant options for a product on a single detail page provides a better customer experience and can increase the conversion rate for product detail pages, preventing customers from leaving the product page to find another size, color, etc.

When products are organized into Parent/Variant relationships, Amazon’s algorithm will evaluate the combined historical sales, number of reviews (and ratings), and conversion rates for those products. This gives large Parent/Variation family products an advantage in the search rank.

Use Strategic Advertising to Improve Visibility and Drive Sales

graphic illustrating the increased visibility from strategic advertising

Advertising can be key to jumpstarting the Sales Velocity for a product. Before products can rank well in the Search Results Page, they need strong conversion rates, product reviews, and historical sales. This all but means that new products, and products that aren’t already ranking well, will struggle to improve their search rankings. In these cases, advertising is the key to unlocking sales, conversions, and garnering more product reviews.

Targeted advertising can help put the right shoppers on your product detail pages and give you an opportunity to convert potential customers. With good targeted advertising, and strong detail pages, sellers can jumpstart a feedback loop that allows them to garner more sales, more reviews, and rank better, which creates more sales, more reviews, and even better rankings.

Careful though, this can also be a double edged sword. If your advertising is not delivering the right shoppers to your detail pages and shoppers are not converting, conversion rates can suffer, causing a fall in search rankings.

Respond to Reviews and Customer Questions

Product reviews and customer questions are publicly displayed on the product detail pages. These reviews and questions (and the Seller responses to them) can be critical factors in a shopper’s decision to purchase or to move on from a product. Sellers should take these opportunities to read/moderate product reviews as opportunities to improve product listings, or even the products themselves. Public questions are an opportunity to dispel concerns about the product or help reassure customers that this product will meet their needs. Both of these can contribute to higher conversion rates, which leads to better search ranking.

Moderate Seller Feedback

Amazon encourages customers to leave feedback on their buying experience during each order. Good experiences can help improve a Seller’s Authority, while poor experiences can damage a Seller’s reputation.

Seller’s should consistently monitor the Seller Feedback they are receiving for opportunities to improve the ordering process and also ensure that the Feedback they are receiving is relevant to the purchasing experience for customers. If Feedback is a product review, was Fulfilled by Amazon, or does not meet Amazon’s Feedback Guidelines, sellers should request that the feedback be removed to maintain good Seller Authority.

Use EBC to Enhance Conversion Rate (Brand Story and A+ Content)

graphic demonstrating enhanced brand content (ebc) helping conversion optimization and conversion rate

In explaining our Amazon SEO services, we discussed optimizing the content of your A+ Content and Brand Story to improve search rank through improved relevancy. But just as importantly, these opportunities should be optimized to convince customers to purchase the product.

A strong Brand Story and A+ Content section can give customers more visual representation of the product. Sellers should use a combination of lifestyle photography, ad-style graphics, infographics, product benefits charts, and more to best represent the product’s benefits, and how it fits their needs.

Review Voice of the Customer and Product Return Reasons

Similar to Product Reviews and Seller Feedback, Sellers should moderate the Voice of the Customer report from Amazon as well as the Order Return Reports to further understand how customers are enjoying (or not enjoying) their products. This can provide additional ideas on how to improve your products and product listings.

Request Product Reviews and Seller Feedback

Good Product Reviews and Good Seller Feedback Ratings are imperative to a strong search ranking, but to get good reviews/feedback, sellers need to be actively requesting customers for this feedback. This can be accomplished manually in the Manage Orders page, or more commonly with the use of automated software.

Many of these automated software programs allow for intricate targeting and scheduling, allowing sellers to maximize their initiatives towards reviews of certain products, or feedback on low issue orders.

To get started with your first 30 reviews, Brand Registered sellers also have the opportunity to utilize the Amazon Vine program.

Price Competitively and Utilize Promotions

Last but certainly not least, sellers must price their products competitively in their category and utilize promotions when possible to drive sales. Sales and conversion rates are huge ranking factors and if shoppers can find comparable products for less, both factors could suffer.

Elevate Your Product Visibility and Sales with Accelerazon’s Amazon Conversion Optimization Services

At Accelerazon, we understand the intricacies of Amazon’s A10 algorithm and the importance of every detail in driving shoppers to convert. From refining product listings and enhancing customer experiences, to actively moderating and reviewing customer feedback and more, our Conversion Optimization services are tailored to elevate your brand’s performance and sales on Amazon. Partner with us to unlock the full potential of your Amazon presence and stay ahead in the competitive marketplace.

Contact Us today to elevate your Amazon Conversion optimization strategy and propel your products to new heights. Amazon Conversion Optimization Services that deliver results, crafted by Accelerazon – The Amazon Marketing Agency.